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Fahle, M.: Spatiotemporal interpolation. Perception 11, A 20 (1982)
Fahle, M.: Naso-temporal asymmetry in visual hyperacuity. Invest. Ophthal.
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Fahle, M. & Braitenberg,V.: Curvature detection in the central and
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Hardt, B.W.; Johnen, R. & Fahle, M.: Influence of Systemic Digitalis
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Bülthoff,H.; Wegmann, M. & Fahle, M.: Perception of disparity
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Troscianko, T. & Fahle, M.: Why do isoluminant stimuli slow down?
Perception 15, A 29 (1986)
Fahle, M. & Sebenora, D.: Serial versus parallel cortical processing
of visual hyperacuity. Perception 15, A 19 (1986)
Fahle, M.: Spatio-temporal interpolation: Temporal characteristics. Perception
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Fahle, M.; Beck, M. & Koch, C: Spatially selective attention in
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Fahle, M.: Visual Hyperacuity: Parallel Versus Serial Processing. Invest.
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Yuille, A.; Bülthoff, H. & Fahle, M.: Theoretical model of
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Fahle, M.: Dichoptic vernier acuity as a measure of eye tremor and drifts.
Invest. Ophthal. Visual Science 29, 371 (1988)
Fahle, M.: Psychophysical measurement of eye tremor and drift. Perception
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Fahle, M.; Steuhl, P. & Aulhorn, E.: Beziehungen zwischen Gesichtsfeld
und Elektroretinogramm bei der Retinopathia pigmentosa. Klin. Mbl. Augenheilk.
193, 331 (1988)
Fahle, M.: A hypothesis on the localisation of hyperacuity inter- polation
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Fahle, M.: Monocular and dichoptic vernier acuity as measures of eye
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Fahle, M. & Popp, M.: Symmetry detection with central or eccentric
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Mohn, G.; Nieuwenhuizen, O. & Fahle, M.: Vernier acuity and crowding
in human infants. Perception 18, 490 (1989)
Fahle, M. & Aulhorn, E.: "Der geheimnisvolle blinde Fleck."
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Fahle, M.; Kreissig,I. & Troscianko, T.: Störungen der Farbwahrnehmung
nach Ablatio retinae. Klin. Mbl. Augenhlk 195, 110 (1989)
Fahle, M. & Mohn G.: Assessment of visual function in suspected
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Fahle, M.: Is vernier displacement a texton ? Invest. Ophthal. Visual
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Fahle, M.: A new elementary feature of visual perception? Perception
19, 408-409 (1990)
Fahle, M. & Mohn G.: Beurteilung der Sehfunktion bei Verdacht auf
Simulation. Ophth. Dig. BRD 2, 11-12 (1990)
Fahle, M.: Myopieverstärkung durch Brillenkorrektur im Tiermodell
und beim Menschen ? Klin. Mbl. Augenheilk. 198, 142 (1991)
Henke-Fahle, S.; Mohn, G. & Fahle, M.: Neuere Verfahren zur Prüfung
der Sehschärfe bei Simulation und Aggravation. Klin. Mbl. Augenheilk.
198, 142 (1991)
Fahle, M.: Prevention of motion blur is not achieved by shifter circuits.
Invest. Ophthal. Visual Science 32 Suppl., 825 (1991)
Steuhl, K.P.; Schimek, F. & Fahle, M.: The effects of local anesthetics
after retrobulbar administration. Invest. Opththal. Vis. Sci. 32 Suppl.,
800 (1991)
Zanker, J., Mohn, G., Weber, U., Zeitler-Driess, K., Barth, V., Nieuwenhuisen,
O. & Fahle, M.: On the development of vernier acuity in human infants.
Invest. Ophthal. Visual Science 32 Suppl., 965 (1991)
Jindra, L., Ragahvan, R. & Fahle, M.: Spatial and temporal characteristics
in vernier acuity. Invest. Ophthal. Visual Science 32 Suppl., 1268 (1991)
Weber, U.; Zanker, J. & Fahle, M.: On the development of vernier
acuity in children. in: Synapse-Transmission-Modulation. Proc. 19th Göttingen
Neurobiology Conference, 564 (1991)
Fahle, M.: Motion blur and shifter circuits. Perception 20, 78 (1991)
Fahle, M., Edelman, S. & Poggio, T.: Learning of vernier acuity.
Perception 20, 114 (1991)
Palm, G. & Fahle, M.: Binocular and monocular rivalry between illusory
contours: Experiments and a model. Perception 20, 129 (1991)
De Luca, E. & Fahle, M.: Spatial interference in spatio-temporal
interpolation. Perception 20, 74 (1991)
Harris, J. & Fahle, M.: Representation in spatial memory. Perception
20, 75 (1991)
Schimek, F.; Steuhl, K.P.; Fahle, M. & Fries, D.: Die Serumspiegel
von mittellang und lang wirkenden Lokalanästhetika nach der neuralen
Blockade des Facialisstammes. Fortschr. Ophthal (in the press)
Fahle, M.; Heide, W. & Zanker, J.: Störungen der Bewegungswahr-
nehmung bei corticalen Läsionen. Klin. Mbl. Augenheilk. 200, 316 (1992)
Fahle, M.; Steuhl, K.P. & Aulhorn, E.: Correlations between electroretinography,
morphology and function in retinitis pigmentosa. Ophthalmology Digest (in
the press)
Fahle, M.; Poggio, T. & Edelman, S.: Generalization of learning
in vernier acuity. Invest. Ophthal. Visual Science 33, 824 (1992)
Steuhl, K.P.; Schimek, F.; Fahle, M. & Thiel, H.J.: Neural blockade
of the facial nerve for lid akinesia. Invest. Ophthal. Visual Science 33,
1306 (1992)
Morgan, M.J. & Fahle, M.: Effects of density upon upper thresholds
for motion displacement explained by a spatial filtering model. Invest.
Ophthal. Visual Science 33, 972 (1992)
Fahle, M.: Short-term learning in vernier acuity in humans. J. Physiology
452, 284P (1992)
Altenmüller, E.; Autenrieth, T.; Kahrs, J. & Fahle, M.: Perception
of motion and the motion-aftereffect: DC-potentials as electrophysiological
correlates. Rhythmogenesis in neurons and networks. Proc. 20th Göttingen
Neurobiology conference (Eds. N. Elsner & D.W. Richter), p. 679. Thieme,
Stuttgart (1992)
De Luca, E. & Fahle, M.: Spatial integration and interference in
moving vernier stimuli. Rhythmogenesis in neurons and networks Proc. 20th
Göttingen Neurobiology conference. (Eds. N. Elsner & D.W. Richter)
p. 686. Thieme, Stuttgart (1992)
Fahle, M.; Edelman, S. & Poggio, T.: Perceptual learning depends
on stimulus orientation and location. Rhythmogenesis in neurons and networks.
Proc. 20th Göttingen Neurobiology conference (Eds. N. Elsner &
D.W. Richter), p. 692. Thieme, Stuttgart (1992)
De Luca, E. & Fahle, M.: Spatio-temporal interpolation in the third
dimension. Perception 21, S.2, 48 (1992)
Fahle, M.; Poggio, T. & Edelman, S.: Fast perceptual learning in
hyperacuity. Perception 21, S.2, 69 (1992)
Fahle, M.: Theorie und Praxis des Sehen-Lernens. Der Ophthal-mologe
89, Suppl. S70 (1992)
Gengenbach-Jung, K; Steuhl, K.P., Knorr, M. & Fahle, M.: Klassifizierung
und Verlaufsbeobachtung perforierender Augenverletzungen. Der Ophthalmologe
89, Suppl. S74 (1992)
Fahle, M.: Theory and practice of how to learn to see. German J. Ophthalmology
1, 247 (1992)
Gengenbach-Jung, K.; Steuhl, K.P.; Knorr, M. & Fahle, M.: Classification
and follow-up of penetrating eye injuries. German J. Ophthalmology 1, 250
Henke-Fahle, S., Harris, J. & Fahle, M.: Vernier acuity: Right versus
left or straight versus offset? Perception 21, S.2, 100 (1992)
Fahle, M. & De Luca, E.: Bridging gaps in depth. European Journal
of Neuroscience Suppl. 5, 21 (1992)
Fahle, M.: Parallel detection and learning of hyperacuity. Lab. Exp.
Psychology, Univ. Leuven.Psychological Reports No. 139, 4 (1992)
Fahle, M. & Poggio, T.: Sehen lernen. Klin. Mbl. Augenheilk. 210,
278 (1992)
Schimek, F., Steuhl, K.P., Thiel, H.J. & Fahle, M.: Lid akinesia
after facial nerve blockade with local anesthetics. Invest. Ophthal. Visual
Science 34, 886 (1993)
Kramer, D. & Fahle, M.: On curvature detection in edges and lines.
Invest. Ophthal. Visual Science 34, 778 (1993)
De Luca, E. & Fahle, M.: Interpolation in depth. Invest. Ophthal.
Visual Science 34, 776 (1993)
Geiger, G. & Fahle, M.: The extend of letter recognition in the
peripheral field is modifiable by practise. Invest. Ophthal. Visual Science
34, 776 (1993)
Fahle, M., Leonards, U. & Singer, W.: Figure-ground discrimination
from temporal phase.
Invest. Ophthal. Visual Science 34, 785 (1993)
De Luca, E. & Fahle, M.: Interpolation in depth improves with training.
Proc. 21th Göttingen Neurobiology conference; Eds. N. Elsner &
M. Heisenberg. A 32. Thieme, Stuttgart (1993)
Fahle, M., Leonards, U. & Singer, W.: Temporal factors in figure-ground
discrimination. Proc. 21th Göttingen Neurobiology conference; Eds.
N. Elsner & M. Heisenberg. A 34. Thieme, Stuttgart (1993)
Kramer, D. & Fahle, M.: Thresholds for curvature detection. Proc.
21th Göttingen Neurobiology conference; Eds. N. Elsner & M. Heisenberg.
A 33. Thieme, Stuttgart (1993)
Skrandies, W. & Fahle, M.: Electrophysiological correlates of human
perceptual learning revealed by multichannel evoked potentials. Pflüger's
Archive Physiol. 422; Suppl.1, R 62 (1993)
Fahle, M.: Learning and plasticity in human visual perception. Proc.
21th Göttingen Neurobiology conference; Eds. N. Elsner & M. Heisenberg.
A 24. Thieme, Stuttgart (1993)
Skrandies, W. & Fahle, M.: Perceptual learning: Psychophysics and
electrophysiology. Proc. 21th Göttingen Neurobiology conference; Eds.
N. Elsner & M. Heisenberg. A 142. Thieme, Stuttgart (1993)
Fahle, M. & Skrandies, W.: An electrophysiological correlate of
perceptual learning in humans. German Journal of Ophthalmology 2, 331 (1993)
Fahle, M. & Skrandies, W.: Ein elektrophysiologisches Korrelat des
Lernens von Wahrnehmungsleistungen beim Menschen. Der Ophthalmologe 90,
S102 (1993)
Fahle, M.: Learning of visual motion and vernier discrimination: Psychophysics
and human electrophysiology. Optic and Photonic News 4, Suppl. P97 (1993)
Gengenbach-Jung, K., Steuhl, K.P. & Fahle, M.: Zur Prognose perforierender
Bulbusverletzungen. Der Ophthalmologe 90, S133 (1993)
Gengenbach-Jung, K.; Steuhl, K.P. & Fahle, M.: Prognosis of perforating
eye injuries. German Journal of Ophthalmology 2, 358 (1993)
Bachmann, G.; Quenzer, T. & Fahle, M.: Vernier acuity and crowding
in amblyopes. Perception 22S, 124 (1993)
De Luca, E. & Fahle, M.: Learning of spatio-temporal interpolation
in depth. Perception 22S, 123 (1993)
Fahle, M.: Human perceptual learning: From psychophysics to electrophysiology.
Perception 22S, 30 (1993)
Fahle, M., Troscianko, T. & Kreissig, I.: Colour-flicker in retinal
detachment patients. XII Symposium, International Research Group for Colour
Vision Deficiencies P11(1993)
Fahle, M.: Wenn ein Sehkanal ausfällt. Gesundheits-Forschungsdienst
3/93, 19 (1993)
Koch, C. & Fahle, M.: Spatial but not temporal asymmetry leads to
texture segregation. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 35,
2161 (1994)
Kramer, D. & Fahle, M.: Curvature detection as orientation discrimination?
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 35, 1627 (1994)
Schimek, F., Steuhl, K.P. & M. Fahle.: The effects of Etidocaine
and Bupivacaine upon somatic, motor, and visual nerves after retrobulbar
application. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 35, 1969 (1994)
Fahle, M., Edelman, S. & Poggio, T.: Short-term learning in vernier
acuity. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 35, 1490 (1994)
Bachman, G., Mallot, H. A. & Fahle, M.: Spatio-temporal interpolation
at high velocities is preciser than in normal eyes.Investigative Ophthalmology
and Visual Science 35, 2158 (1994)
Braun, D., Koch, C. & Fahle, M.: Spatially selective attention improves
stimulus detection. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 35, 1620
Albrecht, J., Braun, D. & Fahle, M.: An electrophysiological correlate
of serial versus parallel processing. Investigative Ophthalmology and
Visual Science 35, 1621 (1994)
De Luca, E. & Fahle, M.: Spatial integration of motion information
in spatio-temporal interpolation. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual
Science 35, 2008 (1994)
Tumbass, C., Schimek, F., Steuhl, K.P., Pfeiffer, K. & Fahle, M.:
The effects of combined intravenous and topical anesthesia on recovery from
cataract surgery. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 35, 1969
Herzog, M. & Fahle, M.: Learning without attention? Proc. 22th Göttingen
Neurobiology conference; 817. Eds. N. Elsner & H. Breer. Thieme, Stuttgart
Kramer, D. & Fahle, M.: Spatial properties of curvature detectors.Proc.
22th Göttingen Neurobiology conference; 819. Eds. N. Elsner & H.
Breer. Thieme, Stuttgart (1994)
Albrecht, J., Braun, D. & Fahle, M.: An electrophysiological correlate
of a memory scanning task in humans. Proc. 22th Göttingen Neurobiology
conference; 818. Eds. N. Elsner & H. Breer. Thieme, Stuttgart (1994)
Bachman, G. & Fahle, M.: Spatio-temporal interpolation at high velocities
is more precise in amblyopic than in normal eyes. Proc. 22th Göttingen
Neurobiology conference; 820. Eds. N. Elsner & H. Breer. Thieme, Stuttgart
De Luca, E. & Fahle, M.: Direction- and eye-specificity during learning
of spatio-temporal interpolation.Proc. 22th Göttingen Neurobiology
conference; 821. Eds. N. Elsner & H. Breer. Thieme, Stuttgart (1994)
Fahle, M. & Koch, C.: Temporal asynchrony and binding in cognitive
contours. Proc. 22th Göttingen Neurobiology conference; 822. Eds. N.
Elsner & H. Breer. Thieme, Stuttgart (1994)
Fahle, M.: When a visual channel stops functioning. Health Research
in Germany, 1/94, 19 (1994)
Fahle, M. & Luberichs, J.: Dyslexia as a disturbance of visual information
processing? German Journal of Ophthalmology 3, 301 (1994)
Fahle, M.: Visuelle Wahrnehmung kürzester Zeitdifferenzen. Klinische
Monatsblätter f. Augenheilkunde 205, 238-239 (1994)
Fahle, M. & Luberichs, J.: Legasthenie als Störung der visuellen
Informationsverarbeitung? Der Ophthalmologe 91Suppl., 55 (1994)
Fahle, M., Braun, D., Buelthoff, H. & Albrecht, J.: Do female brains
perform faster than males? Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 20, 319 (1994)
Geiger, G., Lettvin, J.Y. & Fahle, M.: Dyslexic children learn a
new visual strategy for reading: A controlled experiment. Ophthalmology
Digest (in the press)
Fahle, M., Albrecht, J. & Braun, D.: Do women think faster than
men? Perception 23, S97 (1994)
Fahle, M. & Luberichs, J.: Visual perception in dyslexia. Proc.
23th Göttingen Neurobiology conference; 821. Eds. N. Elsner & R.
Menzel. Thieme, Stuttgart, S. 874 (1995)
Bachmann, G. & Fahle, M.: Component-perimetry and perceptual "filling-in"
in patients with cortical visual feld defects. Proc. 23th Göttingen
Neurobiology conference; 821. Eds. N. Elsner & R. Menzel. Thieme, Stuttgart,
S. 873 (1995)
Fahle, M. & Henke-Fahle, S.: Inter-observer differences in perceptual
learning. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 36, S376 (1995)
Sadowski, B., Schimek, F. & Fahle, M.: Color vision after spinal
anesthesia.Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 36, S682 (1995)
Herzog, M.H. & Fahle, M.: The role of feedback in learning a hyperacuity
task. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 36, S376 (1995)
Bachmann, G. & Fahle, M.: Component- perimetry: A new method to
examine visual field defects. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science
36, S942 (1995)
Harris, J. & Fahle, M.: The invariant in vernier acuity when the
orientation of the stimulus and of the subject are varied. Ophthalmic &
Physiological Optics (in the press)
Fahle, M. & Poggio, T.: Learning of visual hyperacuity in humans.
Fourth IBRO World Congress of Neuroscience P. 402. Rapid Communications,
Oxford (1995)
Fahle, M. & Bachmann, G.: Amblyopic eyes perform better than normal
eyes in high-speed spatio-temporal interpolation. Proc. European Neuroophthalmological
Society Conference, Antwerpen (1995)
Fahle, M. & Kramer, D.: Visual hyperacuity as a probe of retinal
function in cataract patients. Proceedings Second International Ophthalmologic
Conference China. Bejing Inst. Ophthalmology, P. 55 (1995)
Fahle, M. & Luberichs, J.: Neue Befunde zur 'Sehstörungs'-Theorie
der Legasthenie. Klinische Monatsblätter f. Augenheilkunde 207, 275
Fahle, M.: Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Simultan-Perimetrie.
Der Ophthalmologe 92, S 159 (1995)
Fahle, M.: Advantages and limitations of simultaneous perimetry. German
Journal of Ophthalmology 4, S 123 (1995)
Herzog. M. & Fahle, M.: A recurrent model for learning a hyperacuity
task. Perception 24, S84 (1995)
Abele, M. & Fahle, M.: Interactions between orientation, luminance
and color in figure-ground discrimination. Perception 24, S11 (1995)
Bachmann, G. & Fahle, M.: Filling-in mechanisms for different components
of perception in patients with visual field defects. Perception 24,
S49 (1995)
Henke-Fahle, S. & Fahle, M.: Interobserver variance in learning
hyperacuity tasks. Perception 24, S83 (1995)
Luberichs, J. & Fahle, M.: Is dyslexia a visual disorder? Perception
24, S49 (1995)
Semmler, A. & Fahle, M.: Thresholds for parallel detection of stereoscopic
depth and of spatio-temporal interpolation. Perception 24, S142 (1995)
Rupp, V. & Fahle, M.: Thresholds for parallel detection of curvature,
change of curvature, and spatial frequency. Perception 24, S141 (1995)
Repnow, M., Köst, G. & Fahle, M.: Gaze-perimetry - a new method
based on monitoring eye position. Perception 24, S92 (1995)
Kramer, D. & Fahle, M.: Spatial properties of curvature detectors.
Perception 24, S78 (1995)
De Luca, E. & Fahle, M.: Spatial integration during spatiotemporal
interpolation. Perception 24, S78 (1995)
Biester, A. & Fahle, M.: Discrimination between real and apparent
motion. Perception 24, S105 (1995)
Quenzer, T. & Fahle, M.: Electrophysiological correlates of serial
search: Are they real? Perception 24, S69 (1995)
Troscianko, T.; Prince, C.; Fahle, M. & Regard, M.: The uses of
high-temporal-frequency chromatic information in visual perception. Perception
24, S59 (1995)
Fahle, M.: Curvature, orientation and vernier acuity: based on a common
mechanism? Perception 24, S78 (1995)
Skrandies, W.; Lang, G.; Jedynak, A. & Fahle, M.: Perceptual changes
of sensory thresholds are accompanied by alterations of multichannel evoked
potential topography. Perception 24, S81 (1995)
Daum, I.; Weickert, B. & Fahle, M.: Visual memory and learning
as a function of age. Perception 24, S84 (1995)
Zenger, B. & Fahle, M.: Parallel/serial visual processing. Perception
24, S142 (1995)
Stoerig, P. & Fahle, M.: Apparent motion across a scotoma: an implicit
test of blindsight. Neuroscience Letters Suppl. (in the press)
Löwenheim, H., Gültig, K., Thanos, S., Fahle, M. & Knipper,
M.: Serum-free culture of mammalian inner ear sensory organs. Society for
Neuroscience Abstracts (in the press)
Fahle, M. & Bachmann, G.: New methods of simultaneous perimetry.
Vision Research 35, S 63 (1995)
Dill, M. & Fahle, M.: Position-invariant and position-specific
mechanisms in human pattern vision. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual
Science (submitted)
Herzog, M. & Fahle, M.: Perceptual learning is not caused by fine
tuning of receptive fields only. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual
Science (submitted)
Bachmann, G. & Fahle, M.: Selective visual-field defects with extrasriate
cortical lesions. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science (submitted)
Zenger, B. & Fahle, M.: Evidence for global processes in visual
search. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science (submitted)
Fahle, M. & Abele, M.: Sub-threshold summation between orientation,
luminance, and color cues in figure-ground discrimination. Investigative
Ophthalmology and Visual Science (submitted)
Braun, D., Fahle, M., Schoenle, P. & Zanker, J.: Deficits and recovery
of first- and second-order motion perception in patients with unilateral
posterior-parietal lesions. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science
Dill, M. & Fahle, M.: Dependence on retinal position of human short-term
memory for complex visual stimuli. Proc. 23th Göttingen Neurobiology
conference; (1996).
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